

9月9日09 年

抽血 for T4 - 正常
抽血 for 敏感 - 結果是對塵埃敏感


South China Allergy

皮膚敏感是一件很辛苦的事 , 現在我們可以透過 South China Allergy 便知道自己我們對什麼東西敏感 , 費用為 HK$2000.00 , 大約時間為 3天至一星期左右便知道報告.

South China Allergy Test Upgrade
P133 South China 3g Allergy Profile, IgE 第三代華南過敏原組合測試􀀂(7mL Pl)
PQS / Instructions & Notices / D010 v01 Allergy 3g Rev by: BNip App by: MLeung Date: Sept 20, 2006
(P131) Food Allergens 食物過敏原􀀂􀀂(5mL Pl)
f27 Beef 牛肉
f26 Pork 豬肉
f83 Chicken 雞肉
f24 Shrimp 蝦
f80 Lobster 龍蝦
f 3 Codfish 鱈魚
f 4 Wheat 小麥
f 7 Oat 燕麥
f 9 Rice 稻米
f35 Potato 馬鈴薯
f14 Soybean 大豆
f13 Peanut 花生
f25 Tomato 蕃茄
f87 Melon 甜瓜
f33 Orange 橙
f 2 Cow’s Milk 牛奶
f 1 Egg White 蛋白
f75 Egg Yolk 蛋黃
f81 Cheese, Cheddar 切德乳酪
f105 Chocolate 巧克力
f45 Baker’s Yeast 麵包酵母
fp1 Nut Mix 堅果類
- f13 Peanut 花生
- f17 Hazelnut 榛子
- f18 Brazil Nut 巴西胡桃
- f20 Almond 杏仁
- f36 Coconut 椰子
fp50 Fruits Mix 水果類
- f84 Kiwi Fruit 奇異果
- f91 Mango 芒果
- f92 Banana 香蕉
- f210 Pineapple 菠蘿
Total IgE 總免疫球蛋白E 類
(P133A) Environmental Allergens 環境過敏原(4mL Pl)
e1 Cat Dander-Epithelium 貓毛皮屑
e5 Dog Dander 狗毛皮屑
ep70 Rodent Pets 嚙齒類家居寵物類
- e6 Guinea Pig Epithelium 天竺鼠皮屑
- e82 Rabbit Epithelium 兔皮屑
- e84 Hamster Epithelium 倉鼠皮屑
- e87 Rat 鼠
- e88 Mouse 老鼠
hp1 House Dust Mix 塵􃤈 類
- d1 D. pteronyssinus 屋塵􃤈蟲
- d2 D. farinae 粉塵􃤈蟲
- h1 House Dust-Greer 屋塵
- i6 Cockroach 蟑螂
mp1 Mould Mix 霉菌類
- m1 Penicillium notatum 點青霉菌屬
- m2 Cladosporium herbarum 芽枝孢霉
- m3 Aspergillus fumigatus 曲霉菌屬
- m5 Candida albicans 念珠霉菌
- m6 Alternaria tenuis 交鍵孢屬
tp7 Tree Mix 樹木類
- t9 Olive 橄欖樹
- t12 Willow 柳樹
- t16 White Pine 松樹
- t18 Eucalyptus 尤加利樹
- t19 Acacia 相思樹
- t21 Melaleuca 白油樹
wp1 Weed Mix 草類
- w1 Common Ragweed 普通豚草
- w6 Mugwort 艾草
- w7 English Plantain 車前草
- w8 Lamb’s Quarter 羊腿藜草
- w12 Russian Thistle 滾草
Total IgE 總免疫球蛋白E 類
(P131A) Pediatric Allergens <>
f 2 Cow’s Milk 牛奶
f 3 Codfish 鱈魚
f 4 Wheat 小麥
f14 Soybean 大豆
f13 Peanut 花生
f 1 Egg White 蛋白


My topic is “Have a happy life”

My topic today is “Having a happy life”.

I have some tips I would like to share with you and there are several aspects that we have to consider. They are Mental aspect, Physical aspect, Financial aspect and Social aspect. I will focus on Mental aspect and financial aspect.

In the first place, I would like to talk about MENTALLY:

Positive thinking

Everyone knows that the power of positive thinking. It affects our actions and decision-making. How to be positive thinking?

There are 8 points for your reference.

1. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. So, please stop negative thinking of why their life is better than yourself
2. Don’t waste the time to hate anyone. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Do you agree?
3. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree
4. No one is in charge of your happiness except you and What other people think of you is none of their business
5. Forgive everyone for everything
6. However good or bad a situation (No matter if the situation is good or bad?), it will change
7. No matter (Do not care about ) how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
8. Do the right thing

Secondly, I will talk about the point of FINANCIAL aspect.
Financial independence
How do you think about money? Important for you or not important for you?
Most employees go through life having to work (Most employees have to work throughout their lives). There is no choice. If you do not work, you do not have sufficient income to meet your outgoings. So you continue working until you reach retirement.
Becoming financially independent means getting out of the rat race.
There are several investment vehicles you can use in order to get out of the rat race. The most popular options are investment on property, stock market and owning businesses.
A great way to train yourself to get out of the rat race is by playing a game called “Cashflow 101″. It was created by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad ..
Finally, I suggest you to read a book entitled Rich dad, Poor Dad by a guy name Robert T. Kiyosaki. It would be an eye opener for you. I would highly recommend it to someone who would like to learn to achieve their financial independence.
I am expecting to see a change in your financial situation. !

Thirdly, I would like to talk about Physical one
Healthy life
Our lifestyles of today are very busy. We have family, school, working, sports and social commitments to fit into limited time. We need to be healthy to cope with the demands of daily life. But what does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle?

1) Eat a variety of healthy food most of the time
2) Get regular exercise
3) Have time to relax
4) Get good sleep to give our bodies time to recover and grow

Finally, I will share about SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP
Make good relationship with everyone. It’s because good relationship can make you happy.
1. Your job won’t care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them to share happiness and unhappiness with them whenever you need, and support each other.
2. Call your family often


Life is not fair, but it’s still good & beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful life. Enjoy your life.